Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Starting up.....

Who would have thought that my first 'post' would be so nerve racking???!!! Certainly not me...


It got me thinking....if I am so apprehensive about starting my blog, something I can go back and delete at the touch of a button how hard must it be to make a decision that could potentially make you bankrupt?.....i.e starting your own business.

I think it takes a strong and ambitious person to risk it and start up their own business - and full credit to them - hopefully it can be something I do in the future....but for now I will watch and learn and let others make the mistakes....and I will just learn from them.

Keep your eyes open all the time and you never know what you will see - a new opportunity...or somebodies mistake ??

.....Thankfully I still have the delete button..... :-)

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